“This world is hard on us women and our self-esteems. A photoshoot experience like this helps us see that each of us are beautiful in our own way. I think absolutely anyone would benefit from this experience!”
“I honestly thought coming to The Reveal would be a little traumatic because you just never look the way you want to. But looking at these pictures was actually a lot of fun.” –Stephanie Simonton
“Honestly when I walked in and saw the portraits I was absolutely blown away! I knew they would look great but when I looked up and saw my wife, I thought “Wow! She is absolutely beautiful!”–Josh Simonton, Stephanie’s husband
“At first I was really nervous but my feelings changed and I started feeling really excited as we were trying on so many darling dresses from Nicole’s collection. I felt like I was a queen for the day! It was actually really fun to see how talented nicole was at positioning us the right way and then seeing in her camera how good everything looked and how slimming she made us look. So it was actually a lot of fun!
When i walked in and saw the pictures for the first time I was blown away how professional they looked. These pictures with Stephanie are priceless to me! She is my absolute best friend. Really it’s the whole experience of doing something like this with her that I think helps both of us be more accepting of ourselves.” –Marci Crismon
“The first thought that came to mind was like wow, those are incredible and my wife is as beautiful as I think she is. These portraits captured so many different memories and thoughts that I’ve had over the experience of our lives. These are so special to me!” – Tom Crismon, Marci’s husband